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Romance Scam

Please report romance scams and dating scams here. We accept reports on Russian scammers and Nigerian scammers.

Disclaimer regarding pictures posted on the board: please understand that you are NOT looking at the pictures of people who are actually scamming you. The people portrayed on these photos are innocent men and women, NOT involved in scamming in any way and have nothing to do with scammers. The scammers are using their images without their knowledge or permission to deceive their victims and steal their money.

Women only, please!

If you want to know the opinion of our visitors, create your poll. Please don't submit scammers here!

What first made you fall for your scammer?

The pictures
The story (widower, etc.)
His ways (charming, etc.)
His availability (always online)
He depended on you
Total votes: 195

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Posts: 5
Joined: Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:19 am
Location: midwest USA

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Re: Women only, please!

Postby cmh » Sun Aug 11, 2019 3:19 pm

I trusted my heart which is where I believe God speaks to you and it all blew up in my face. However, I had to be honest with myself today. In hindsight, there were signs saying "run" and I ignored them or did not press him for the answer I needed to know. So it's my fault too. Ladies, please trust your instincts and don't get so head over heels with someone that you ignore them. My best wishes to all.

This here is exactly how I ended up talking to my scammer for far too long and losing too much to him. That would be my only advice to anyone facing any indecision about if it is 'real' or not. If your gut says there is something 'off', trust your gut.

Re: Women only, please!


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