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Romance Scam

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Disclaimer regarding pictures posted on the board: please understand that you are NOT looking at the pictures of people who are actually scamming you. The people portrayed on these photos are innocent men and women, NOT involved in scamming in any way and have nothing to do with scammers. The scammers are using their images without their knowledge or permission to deceive their victims and steal their money.

Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

African scammers posing as military personnel.
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Mike Herman -

Postby jaga » Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:19 pm
57, Austin, Texas, United States
Looking for anything with a girl
Aged 35-70, in Malta.

Interests Honest Caring And Loving Man
Sexual Orientation Straight
Ethnicity Caucasian (white)

Hello dear my name is Mike, can we be friends? I saw your profile on this site here i must confess you are so pretty looking for a trustworthy woman for a cordial relationship. You can write me back so that we can get more to each other

My email:
If you have skype drop it will add you to my skype

Hello dear
I'm so happy hearing from you i am Mike, i lost my wife to cancer in 2014, i have a lovely daughter Michelle by name 6years and my aged mom

I have been single ever since i lost my wife and have not really found any woman that can fill the vacuum that she left, we do not really have time for leisure, and just started making use of the internet now that i posted it The Computer room section

Are you on skype so that we can chat more often and get to know each other, please kindly give me your skype here so that i can add you immediately thank you very much and hope to hear from you soon


Mike Herman -


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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby Bix » Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:13 pm

Jason Hoke
Alaye … A code phrase that African scammers use to find out if you are also a scammer.

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Roland Williams,

Postby Bix » Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:25 am

Male,56, Single
Germany, Baden-wurttemberg

I am Roland from USA and you? Here is my email ( I will love to chat with you on my hangout to know you more, Please you can send me your email or add me yourself, If you do not mind because i will love to know you more, if you
Alaye … A code phrase that African scammers use to find out if you are also a scammer.

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Bookmark and Share,, +233231485802 - diff. pics

Postby FrumpyBB » Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:10 pm

same email and same Ghanaian scammer as here viewtopic.php?f=91&t=111213&p=533990#p533990
changed his gallery today:

From: georgenty
hello you can add me here

IP: Accra, Ghana

=>, with photos of another different man:

George Murphy
Please try your best to block ALL your scammer´s still incoming messages and calls!

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The scammers vs. Why is "he" still doing it?

Why is alerting the man in the pictures DANGEROUS?

Please click why confronting my scammer is terribly wrong :)

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Frank Benson

Postby minerva » Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:09 pm

57, Man, Single
Brookland, United States (1539 km)
0% match
Looks for:
50 - 64 years
Within 100 kms
Long-term dating, Short-term dating, Friendship


hello dear are you doing?
2017. 07. 21. 19:36:23

good to hear from

im Frank Benson from Canada Kingston city im a military personal under UN..........Im a single parent with one son and you?.

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Harries Anderson, Skype: harries.anderson

Postby Bix » Mon Jul 24, 2017 9:10 pm

Harries Anderson
Alaye … A code phrase that African scammers use to find out if you are also a scammer.

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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby EAS » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:53 pm

Buenas noches!
Pues aqui otra victima de la persona tras las fotos de este buen señor (que culpa tendra el)
Soy española, esta persona se puso en contacto conmigo a traves de una red social llamada +40. No recuerdo exactamente cual era su nombre de usuario pero si puedo decir que tenia una de sus fotos como foto de perfil. Como han comentado otras personas, nunca ha sido grosero ni maleducado, todo lo contrario siempre se mostró muy respetuoso.
Como muchas mujeres estaba cansada de que solo me hablaran buscando sexo, el era la panacea de los hombres, educado, amable, considerado... Me encandiló, pero realmente no me enamoré, quise confiar, a pesar de mi instinto...
Hemos estado en contacto a traves de hangouts y su direccion de email es:

A mi se me presentó como Stephen Wilson, sartento de la Royal Navy desplegado en Iraq, concretamente en Mosul...poco a poco esto se me hizo un poco mas raro, pero medio ignoré. No habia conocido a su madre, su padre habia muerto en la guerra de Kubait, me decia que no tenia familia. Segun el, todavia le quedaban entre dos y tres meses de despliegue. Segun han ido pasando los dias el me ha ido camelando con bonitas palabras y sueños... Se iba a trasladar a vivir a mi ciudad, ibamos a montar un negocio juntos... en fin, mil y un camelos. Segun me iba diciendo, las cosas se estaban complicando mucho en la zona, pero yo buscaba noticias y ni en tv ni internet encontraba nada que me indicase que eso realmente estaba ocurriendo.
Este domingo pasado me dijo que no confiaba en nadie alli, solo confiaba en mi y el campamento no era seguro, me queria mandar un paquete con sus cosas: joyas, documentos, oro, sus medallas y algo de ropa. Lo iba a hacer mediante un diplomatico y que me tenia que poner en contacto con el para ver como lo tenia que hacer a traves de esta direccion de email: Todo iba bien, segun dicho diplomatico, me pidio mi numero de telefono y direccion, a lo que como tonta ilusionada, accedí y se los proporcione, (eso la verdad es que me preocupa un poco) para poderme hacerme llegar el paquete de mi esposo... Estubo supuestamente atendieno unos clientes en Dubai, despues iba camino de Ghana porque iba por los aeropuertos con una baja seguridad de aduanas... Pero oooohh problema el dia 25 llego tarde al aeropuerto de Ghana y no pudo pasar el control, tenia que esperar a la mañana siguiente... Ayer dia 26 se volvio a poner en contacto conmigo para decirme que la aduana le habia dado problemas y que necesitaba 2000 € para poder continuar!!! Todas mis alarmas internas se dispararon a la vez..."ESTAFA, ESTAFA, ESTAFA". Estuvimos hablando o discutiendo de como conseguir o no el dinero... Todo su empeño estaba en que yo consiguiese ese dinero de la forma que fuese, que no lo dejase tirado, que me necesitaba en esto, que era muy importante, que me lo devolveria en cuanto el llegase aqui, que se lo pidiese a amigos... en fin, que me buscase la vida para conseguirlos, yo le dije que no podia, que eso para mi era imposible y que lo intentase el con sus amigos de Inglaterra. Como yo me enfadé con el por lo mucho que me estaba presionando, me dijo de dejar la conversacion para que yo me relajase... al rato me envio un bonito correo, como cada noche, al que por supuesto ya no conteste de ninguna manera, me habia decepcionado... Asi que anoche me dedique a intentar rastrear sus emails, a ver si conseguia averiguar de donde procedian, de los suyos no consegui nada, pero lo intenté con los del supuesto diplomatico, y esos, todos me decian que provenian de Ghana, incluso los que se suponia que estaba en Dubai... Empezaba a confirmar mis sospechas. Esta mañana se ha vuelto a poner en contacto conmigo por el chat preguntandome que si seguia enfadada con el o si es que ya no queria nada con el, a lo que yo le he contestado que hablariamos por la tarde... Al poco rato me ha llegado otro correo del supuesto diplomatico llamado Joshua Kumordzi, presionandome para que le dijese como proceder, yo no le he contestado y se lo he reenviado a el para que hiciera algo.
Hemos hablado esta tarde y ha seguido insistiendo en que consiguiera lo que fuese, aunque fueran 500, que pidiera un micro credito en mi banco... a lo que yo me he negado y le he dicho que no estaba en condiciones de endeudarme, que luego me lo reclamarian a mi, no a el, el insistia en que lo devolveriamos todo a su llegada, que el contenido del paquete era mucho mas valioso que ese dinero... En fin, yo he sido clara con el y le he dicho que ya no confiaba en el, que no era normal tanta insistencia y que si de verdad me queria no seguiria presionandome, ni el ni el diplomatico... en fin, esos tira y afloja. Al poco me ha dicho que me tenia que dejar, que alguien llegaba, que hablabamos más tarde.
Como seguia con la mosca tras la oreja me he decidido por hacer una busqueda por la foto en la red y oooohhh sorpresa!!! han empezado a aparecer todas estas cosas que ya sabemos porque buscaba la forma de denunciar este intento de estafa, porque gracias a Dios, he confiado en mi instinto y he confirmado mis sospechas.

Ahora tengo una pregunta... Como lo denuncio?? Le digo que le he pillado y le bloqueo?? cual es el siguiente paso??

Perdon por el rollo que os he metido jejejeje y muchisimas gracias por ayudarme con vuestra labor.

Well here another victim of the person behind the photos of this good man (who will have the fault)
I am Spanish, this person got in touch with me through a social network called +40. I can not remember exactly what his username was but if I can say I had one of his photos as a profile photo. As others have commented, he has never been rude or impolite, otherwise he was always very respectful.
As many women were tired of just talking to me for sex, he was the panacea of ​​men, polite, kind, considerate ... It dazzled me, but I really did not fall in love, I wanted to trust, despite my instinct ...
We have been in touch through hangouts and your email address is:

I was introduced to me as Stephen Wilson, a fighter of the Royal Navy deployed in Iraq, specifically in Mosul ... little by little this made me a little weirder, but I kind of ignored it. He had not met his mother, his father had died in the war in Kubait, he told me that he had no family. According to him, he still had between two and three months of deployment. According to the days have passed he has been camelando with beautiful words and dreams ... He was going to move to live in my city, we were going to start a business together ... finally, a thousand and one camels. As I was saying, things were getting very complicated in the area, but I was looking for news and neither on TV nor the internet I found anything that indicated that this was really happening.
Last Sunday he told me that he did not trust anyone there, he only trusted me and the camp was not safe, he wanted to send me a package with his things: jewels, documents, gold, his medals and some clothes. I would do it through a diplomatico and I had to contact him to see how I had to do it through this email address: Everything was fine, according to the diplomat, she asked me for my phone number and address, which as a fool I hoped, I agreed and provided them, (that's the truth is that I'm a little worried) to be able to get me my husband's package ... I was supposed to serve clients in Dubai, then I was on my way to Ghana because I was going to the airports with a low customs security ... But oooohh problem on the 25th I arrived late at the Ghana airport and could not pass the control, had To wait for the next morning ... Yesterday 26th day he contacted me again to tell me that customs had given him problems and that he needed € 2000 to be able to continue !!! All my internal alarms were fired at one time ... "SCREW, SCREW, SCREW". We were talking or arguing about how to get the money or not ... All his effort was that I get that money in any way, that I did not leave it lying, that I needed in this, that it was very important, that I I would return as soon as he arrived here, to ask friends ... in short, to seek my life to get them, I told him that I could not, that this was impossible for me and that he tried it with his friends in England . As I was angry with him because of how much he was pressing me, he told me to leave the conversation so that I would relax ... after a while he sent me a nice mail, like every night, which of course he did not answer in any way , I was disappointed ... So last night I dedicated myself to try to track their emails, to see if I could find out where they came from, from theirs I did not get anything, but I tried with those of the supposed diplomatico, and those, all told me that They came from Ghana, even those that were supposed to be in Dubai ... I was beginning to confirm my suspicions. This morning he has contacted me again by chatting, asking me if I was still angry with him or if I did not want anything with him, and I told him that we would talk in the afternoon ... Another courier from the alleged diplomatic call Joshua Kumordzi arrived, pressing me to tell him how to proceed, I did not answer him and I sent him back to do something.
We talked this afternoon and continued to insist that I get whatever it was, even if they were 500, that I asked for a micro credit in my bank ... to which I have denied myself and I have told him that I was not in a position to borrow, that Then he would demand it from me, not him, he insisted that we return everything to his arrival, that the contents of the package were much more valuable than that money ... Anyway, I have been clear with him and I have told him That I no longer trusted him, that it was not normal so much insistence and that if he really wanted me he would not press me, neither he nor the diplomatico ... well, those tug-of-war. Soon he told me that I had to leave, that someone came, that we talked later.
As I followed with the fly behind the ear I decided to do a search for the photo on the net and oooohhh surprise !!! Have started to appear all these things that we already know because

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Postby Igulinka » Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:44 pm


Thank you for reporting a Nigerian mafia . Please BLOCK them and IGNORE. Do not believe in the word they say.
Confronting the scammer is WRONG!!! DON'T enlighten criminals with your wisdom. REPORT & BLOCK.
PHOTO VICTIM - "Do not confront the owner of the pictures, as they are victims themselves! You will only serve to further the terror and harm !" Silence Is Golden!!! I speak Polish.

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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby EAS » Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:25 pm

Muchas gracias por tu respuesta.
Ya bloquee ambas direcciones de email, solo espero que el hecho de que tengan mis datos de contacto sea prejudicial para mi...

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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby Igulinka » Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:29 pm

Nothing gonna happen to you if scammers are BLOCKED and IGNORED. Be safe!
Confronting the scammer is WRONG!!! DON'T enlighten criminals with your wisdom. REPORT & BLOCK.
PHOTO VICTIM - "Do not confront the owner of the pictures, as they are victims themselves! You will only serve to further the terror and harm !" Silence Is Golden!!! I speak Polish.

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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby EAS » Fri Jul 28, 2017 3:52 pm

Hola de nuevo, me sigue inquietando el hecho de que tenga mi número de teléfono y mi dirección, pero imagino que cuando sea consciente de que lo he bloqueado, dejará de intentar contactar conmigo... He recibido un nuevo correo suyo que mi cuenta ha seleccionado como spam automáticamente... Dice:
I have been writing to you but it seems you have blocked me
and dont know why my messages are not getting to you.?
Ya se cansará imagino...

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Frank Benson

Postby minerva » Sun Jul 30, 2017 1:22 pm

Next chat on GL

please can you give me your hangout so that we can continue chating there


try to email me
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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby minerva » Fri Aug 04, 2017 6:30 am


Male , 39 , seeking Female
mashhad, tehran


hello sweetie, i like you... write me on

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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby FrumpyBB » Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:57 am

Yeah, "he" is a dozen times on Skype :( always same name and same pic:

alternative avatar is:
And that´s only the ones with S.M. avatars! There´s more of the exact same name without photo shown yet.
Please try your best to block ALL your scammer´s still incoming messages and calls!

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The scammers vs. Why is "he" still doing it?

Why is alerting the man in the pictures DANGEROUS?

Please click why confronting my scammer is terribly wrong :)

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Re: Scammers with pictures of Stephen Murphy, pt 3

Postby Myra » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:17 am

James Barry,

Image Image Image

thank God you reply, jamesbarry1987@yahoo .com, can i get to know a bit better

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